
Premium Lens Options

The eye doctors at Washington Eye Physicians & Surgeons were among the first in the Washington DC region to utilize astigmatism and presbyopia correcting premium lens implants when they became available in the United States. These advanced technology intraocular lenses (IOLs) can restore clear vision for reading, computer and distance with significant reduction of spectacle dependence, making them excellent cataract surgery lens options.

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Premium lens implants are FDA approved and have the same safety profile as traditional lens implants, but can provide many cataract patients with greater freedom from glasses. These intraocular lenses can correct most degrees of astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.

Only our experienced eye surgeons can determine if a patient is a good candidate for the premium intraocular lens technology. The best candidates are those with cataracts, but otherwise healthy eyes. Patients with glaucoma, inflammation inside the eye, diabetic retinopathy, macular disease or other active eye disease may not be candidates for advanced technology lens implant procedure.

Patients with prior laser vision correction may be candidates for advanced technology intraocular lenses (IOLs), but this is determined on a case by case basis after a thorough examination. Additionally, calculations for implants are less accurate in patients who have had laser vision correction, so additional LASIK or PRK may be necessary even after a premium lens implant.

A questionnaire that you will fill out prior to your visit will allow your surgeon to make the appropriate recommendation for a premium lens implant that fits your visual needs and lifestyle. It is our goal to give you the best advice on cataract surgery lens options that will optimize your outcome and meet your expectations.

We currently offer several advanced technology IOLs for cataract surgery, including:

  • Toric lenses (for astigmatism correction)
    • AcrySof® IQ Toric
    • Tecnis® Toric
    • EnVista® Toric
  • Multifocal lenses
    • AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR®
    • Tecnis® Multifocal
  • Trifocal Lenses
    • PanOptix®
  • Extended Depth of Focus Lenses
    • AcrySof® IQ Vivity®
    • Tecnis Symfony®

Advanced technology IOLs

Astigmatism is a common refractive error where people are unable to see objects clearly from a distance or up close. Astigmatism is caused by an irregular steepening of the cornea, which causes light to be focused unevenly. This can accompany nearsightedness or farsightedness, and can occur to varying degrees in each eye. To individuals with uncorrected astigmatism, images may look blurry or shadowed.

Toric intraocular lenses (IOLs) are used for astigmatism correction during cataract surgery. They are positioned in a certain direction in order to provide the best visual outcome.

Multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) have more than one focal point, which can help patients to see objects that are both far away and up close. These lenses are a great option for patients with active lifestyles who wish to continue reading the newspaper, knitting, surfing the internet and playing tennis without needing to be dependent on glasses or contact lenses.

More recently, the first trifocal lens, the PanOptix®, was introduced in the United States. This  lens has three different focal points and corrects for vision at near, intermediate (reading) and distance!

Due to the design of these lenses, patients may sometimes experience glare and halos after implantation. However, the brain learns to adapt and these symptoms usually decrease over time. Patients with multifocal lenses are usually very satisfied with their visual outcomes!

Instead of splitting light into several different focus points, like multifocal/trifocal lenses, extended depth of focus lenses elongate the area of focus providing clear vision over a wider range of distances. Many patients with these lens implants are able to achieve good distance and computer vision without correction, as well as functional near vision. Patients with extended depth of focus lenses also do not experience as much glare and halos as patients with multifocal lenses.

Cost of Premium Lens Implants

Insurance will generally cover the cataract part of the procedure as well as the surgical facility and the anesthesiology fee. Any upgrade to premium lens technology or advanced laser cataract technology is the patient’s responsibility. All upgrade fees are collected in advance. Please inquire about financing options.

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