

Canthoplasty is an outpatient cosmetic eye surgery to reshape or reposition the outer corners of the eyelid, resulting in an improved appearance. The procedure can also correct drooping or sagging eyes. It is important that canthoplasty surgery be performed by a skilled oculoplastic surgeon so you look refreshed and rejuvenated.

Canthoplasty is also performed to correct issues caused by previous procedures. For example, you may notice that you have a round appearance at the corner of your eyelids and dryness of your eye after cosmetic surgery done by another surgeon. This rounding leads to an abnormal appearance and interferes with the normal blink dynamic. Correcting this rounded abnormality not only rejuvenates the eyelid by restoring the natural eyelid shape, but also improves your blink dynamic and allows for a healthier ocular surface with an improved blink.

You may notice that the corners of your eyelids are placed too high or too low after a cosmetic surgery by other surgeon. Correcting the position of the lateral canthus (or outer corner of your eyelids) with canthoplasty can again result in an improved and more natural appearance.

Canthoplasty is an outpatient procedure that can be performed by the experienced oculoplastic surgeons at Washington Eye Physicians & Surgeons usually under local anesthesia or light sedation.

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